
On 17/12/2007, Emre Sevinc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> *Sent:* Monday, December 17, 2007 11:58 AM
> *To:* cs-lisp@cs.bilgi.edu.tr
> *Subject:* Re: [cs-lisp] 'Nerdy' bir bilimcinin en ilginc kitaplarindan
> birindesaf matematik ve saf kod ic ice gecerse...
> Ø  Maccarthy nin 1960 tarihli makalesine bakarsanız saf code ve saf
> matematiğin nasıl iç içe geçtiğine çok güzel bir örnek.
> Ø  Ayrıca lispi anlamak için de bir numaralı kült metin.
> Listeye hosgeldiniz.
> Evet, tarihi ve teorik acidan John McCarthy'nin makaleleri onemlidir.
> Bu arada listeye yeni gelenler icin bir bilgi, arsive (2005 Eylul'unden bu
> yana biriken arsiv):
> http://cs.bilgi.edu.tr/pipermail/cs-lisp/
> adresinden erisilebilir.
> --
> Emre Sevinc
> e-MBA Software Development @ Istanbul Bilgi University
> http://www.bilgi.edu.tr
> http://www.bilgiemba.net
> http://www.cogsci.boun.edu.tr
> http://ileriseviye.org/blog
> http://fazlamesai.net
> http://cazci.com
> On 14/12/2007, *Emre Sevinc* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kitaptan bir alinti:
> ==============================================================================
> Post Scriptum.
> In March of 1977, I met the great AI pioneer Marvin Minsky for the first
> Time. It was an unforgettable experience. One of the most memorable remarks
> he made to me was this one: "Gödel should just have thought up Lisp; it
> would have made the proof of his theorem much easier." I knew exactly what
> Minksy meant by that, I could see a grain of truth in it, and moreover I
> knew it had been made with tongue in semi cheek. Still, something about this
> remark drove me crazy. It made me itch to say a million things at once, and
> thus left me practically speechless. Finally today, after my seven-year
> itch, I will say some of the things I would have loved to say then.
> ==============================================================================
> Hofstadter, D. R., 1985, "Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of
> Mind and Pattern", s. 444-445
> SN:
> (levenshtein-distance "Mathematical Games" "Metamagical Themas")
> 8
> SSN: Kitap, yazarin Scientific American dergisinde bir sure yazdigi
> "Metamagical Themas" kosesinden makaleleri de iceriyor. Benzer yerde daha
> once Martin Gardner yaziyor ve kosenin ismi de "Mathematical Games" imis.
> Hofstadter, Gardner'a olan saygisindan oturu ona gondermede bulunmak ama bir
> yandan da kendi kisiligini ortaya koymak icin eski kose basliginin
> harflerinin yerini degistirip yeni ve anlamli bir baslik olusturmus.
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