>>If you made this clear somewhere else in the syllabus or homework
>>documentation then forgive me for the redundant question... but are
>>there any specifications that we have to follow when it comes to
>>whitespace, comment style, bracing style, and/or variable and member
>>variable names?  
>>Sun has conventions for many of these areas, but not for 
>>others (or they are conventions at sun, but not at other 
>>places).  Please advise.

>       The Sun Style Guide - Also off "Interesting Stuff/Style Guides"
>               http://harvard.altisimo.com/cscie119/useful-stuff.html

Direct link to Sun's recommendations: http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/

My rule of thumb is to use the One True Style for a given language. 
When you write English, you do it like the New York Times.  When you 
write LISP, you do it like Guy Steele.  When you write C, you do it like 
Kernighan and Richie.  When you write C++, you do it like Bjarne.  When 
you write Java, you do it like Sun.  (Former LISP man Guy Steele writes 
Java like Sun, so it can't be too bad.)

Richard Kasperowski (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Tel: 617-576-1552, Fax: 617-576-2441

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