> Both of the lists cannot be null.  "null.equals(null)" 
> doesn't make sense.

There you have it: we can't agree on anything.

One issue that we will see again and again is the
importance of the API.

If the method is a class method, then there is an
expectation that the object recieving the message
(the 'this' in the method) will be non-null.
When we get to trees, we will see a simple way to
relax this.

However, if the method is 'static' - applies to 
no instance in particular - then two nulls are

        static boolean equals(CLL one, CLL two)

Both could be null here.

Bottom line: Be sure you document what you are doing.
Resonable assumptions are always in style.

        // I assume that we know that 'this' is non-null

- jeff parker

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