The midterm exam for 119 will be given in 214 Sever Hall
at 5:30 and again at 7:30 next Wednesday.  You only need
to take it once: there is no double jepordy.  

Note this is not the room in which we had the two 
"live" lectures this semester.  To find Sever, you
may find the map
useful.  The website will be updated with the correct

If you live in New England, you will be expected to show
up during one of those times to take the midterm.  I 
believe one student has made other arangements with the

If you are a distance student, you have probably exchanged
mail with Dennis Guadet by now.  If you have not, please
drop me a line or follow the link off the distance education

Please bring identification with you, so I can match your
name up with the class list.

- jeff parker
- axiowave networks
- Cogito, ergo spud: I think, therefore I yam.  

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