Title: Re: [cscie119] what about these words?
as far as processing the input file, what should we do with words like these?
ani3mal     (keep animal, or discard entire 'word')
ani\nmal    (do words span lines?)
ani-\nmal   (do words with dashes span lines?)
ani--mal     (if two dashes, discard one dash and keep ani-mal or drop whole word?)

> and what if it starts with a dash or quote?
> -animal

Ann -
        I think most of these are covered in the rules.
        No letters ever get dropped: they will get folded into some word.
                "ani3mal" is "ani" & "mal"
        White space, such as blank, tab, or <CR> splits words (as the 3 does)
        Dashes at start are skipped until the first letter ("begins with a letter")
        A word does not end in a dash ("[unless] followed by a letter")

        I can see confusion about the pair of dashes, and I will rule that they
                are part of the word.  ("ani------mal" is one word)

- jdp

A word is a string of characters that begins with a letter and includes only letters and some punctuation. A word may include a dash "-" or an apostrophe "'" if it is directly followed by letter.

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