I've been asked by one student about the courses I'll be
teaching next year.  As well as 119 in the fall, offered as
a distance course again, I'll be teaching a new version
of 258, which has been off the books for a few years.
Here is the course description.

This course will not be offered as a distance course.

- jeff parker

This course examines the network protocols that form the core of the 
Internet.  Students will study Internet protocols, build network 
services, and analyze network traffic using a packet capture facility 
to observe protocols in action.  Students will write a project 
implementing a client-server or peer-to-peer application of their 

The protocols covered in lecture and laboratory include DHCP, NFS, 
HTTP, TCP modifications for high performance, and routing protocols, 
such as RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP.

Prerequisite: CSCI E-119 or equivalent.

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