I have a CSGO server set up on Ubuntu 16.04 for a LAN event and was having trouble getting rcon to work. I would get this:

] rcon stat
Unable to connect to remote server (

The server has a static IP. I solved this by putting +ip in the startup script. However when I do this, now the server isn't listed in the LAN tab. I can add it to favorites, and connect to it from there or the console (connect just fine. If I remove +ip then I can see it in the browser but lose rcon. Here's my startup:

./srcds_run -insecure -console -game csgo -port 27015 -usercon -nobreakpad +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_stmarc +sv_lan 1 -tickrate 128

Any advice?


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