Fletch is back.

Any idea if you guys ever fixed the master IP binding issue on multi-homed
systems? I still have my iptables rules forcing UDP as this was still an
issue the last time you were kicking around.


On 11 Aug 2017 11:02 am, "Fletcher Dunn" <fletch...@valvesoftware.com>

> Hello!  We’re planning on updating the method that CSGO servers uses to
> talk to Steam in the week or two.  We’d appreciate your help testing this
> change in advance to identify any potential problems.
> To see if this change will cause any problems with your setup, download
> this zip and follow the instructions in the readme.txt.  (Also pasted
> below.)
> http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/steam_bins_test_20170811.zip
> Thanks for your help.  Post a reply here if you have any issues.  We’re
> especially interested in hearing your results if you are running an older
> distribution of linux or have a complicated network environment.
> (Multi-homed, NAT, etc.)
> This change will also be coming to the older Source games, as well.  The
> binaries in this zip **should** be compatible with those games, although
> I haven’t tested it specifically so there might be an issue.  We’ll send a
> similar announcement to operators of those servers on the appropriate
> mailing list when we get closer to updating those games.
> - Fletch
> Thanks for helping test compatibility with these new Steam binaries for the
> dedicated server.
> Place the files for your platform into your "bin" folder.  They should
> replace
> files with the same name.  (steamerrorreporter.exe on Win32 is new.)
> **PLEASE DELETE** the files listed below, if they are present:
>                 Linux:
>                                 libstdc++.so.6
>                                 libtier0_s.so
>                                 libvstdlib_s.so
>                                 libsteam.so
>                 Windows:
>                                 steam.dll
> We believe that they are no longer be needed and we will no longer be
> shipping them.
> Please let us know if this is not the case.
> These binaries will communicate with Steam using the new WebSockets
> protocol. Previously
> a bespoke UDP protocol was used.  You should see a TCP connection to a
> Valve server on
> port 443, bound to a local ephemeral port.  There is currently no
> mechanism to control
> what local IP or port this connection is bound to.  However, it does obey
> HTTP proxy,
> so if you need to control the public IP you can do that.  (The master
> server may refuse
> to list your server if the public IP used to talk to Steam does not match
> the IP you are
> advertising for game traffic.)  Alternatively, you can add "-udpforce" on
> the command line
> to disable websockets and force the use of the old UDP protocol.  Please
> don't do this
> unless you need to.  In the future WebSockets will be the preferred (and
> better-supported)
> protocol.  The UDP protocol will likely be around for some time, but
> eventually we'll
> phase it out.
> Things to test:
>                 * Does the server boot with those files deleted.
> (Especially on old distros.)
>                 * Does the server have any trouble talking to Steam using
> websockets.
> The connection_log[_xxx].txt file is also a potentially interesting source
> of
> information about how your server is talking to Steam.
> We will make a special announcement when we release the update that makes
> this change.
> Until you see that announcement, you can assume that no change has been
> made to the
> Steam binaries or method used to talk to Steam.
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