It looks good to me. I could add some Doxygen comments to cslsample.c if
you want -- should I do that now or would it be better to wait?
I'll add the two new files to the Doxygen config file now.

The example you mailed is much simpler than the one
in csl/cslplay.c. Do you have to write the samples
using csl_sample_write or will you be able to just
specify an existing file?

Will samples only be cached if the user explicitly calls 
csl_sample_cache_add() or is it just a hint to the underlying
backend driver ?

On Thursday 10 May 2001 17:19, you wrote:
>    Hi!
> I think it would be a good idea to do a release of CSL-0.1.2 soon. I think
> the following would be good:
> * doxygen generated files should be included in the release tarball
>   (I can do that)
> * the csl_sample API (see below) should be ready
> Anything else?
> About the csl_sample API: we need something to get gnome-libs2 playing
> samples via artsd, and I think the csl_sample API I added today should
> do the trick. It's another driver capability like mixer and pcm. The
> simple use-case should be something like
> CslSample* sample = csl_sample_new_from_file (driver,
> "/usr/share/xyz/foo.wav"); if (sample) csl_sample_play(sample);
> csl_sample_free (sample);
> which should be simple enough. It can also
>  * reuse the sample multiple times
>  * get the sample data from "somewhere" (not just files)
>  * share samples with other apps using the same sound server
>    using the cache API
> I did really a /minimum/ of error handling to keep the API easy to use.
> Please let me know if there are any issues with the API as it is now.
> I'll try to get the aRts driver to actually support it tomorrow (shouldn't
> be too hard).
>    Cu... Stefan

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