cody h schrieb:
i am having a really hard time figuring out this bug... ... so i have a container with a left margin, inside which all my page content lives. i want to have images with captions directly below them floating to the right inside the page container, but when i do this the whole layout blows up in ie 6 ...on win. it's like ie can't make up its mind about the left margin on the page container. it gets redrawn over and over as i scroll and jitters and moves from the left side of the window to where it's supposed to be. text disappears from containers close to the floated image container but reappers when selected and then remains until i redraw or scroll again (sometimes), and hovering over links makes things appear and disappear. it's totally hosed....

Cody, this is a weird story. Sounds like the usual IE freak float show, though.

But: We can't debug this without an URL or some working code at least. You provided the code of the content, but why not just give us a chance and show the container too?

Anyway, so far I got information from your bug report, I compiled this test case:
Note what happens on resizing the window ... (1280x1024-> 500x1024)

Is it like in your page? If so, apply zoom:1 to the container for a test. Does it still show the same?

regards, Ingo
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