Alys Morgan schrieb:
Or if neither of the sets of styles are unique, you can have:
<div class="explorer mini">Mini</div>
<div class="explorer full">Full</div>

.. I know this works but I'm not sure what the general opinion is. Are there any problems with it? I have used it when I have several floats with most of the same styling, but some floated left and some floated right .

Perfectly valid. I'd like to add a word of caution, though.

css-d WIKI

The problem with multiple classes in IE is that you have to avoid CSS multiple selectors with "common final matches" like

.explorer {background: gray; }
.mini { font-weight: normal;}
.full { font-weight: bold; }
.full.explorer {text-decoration:none; background: red;}
.mini.explorer {text-decoration:underline}

<!-- modified -->
<div class="mini explorer">Mini</div>
<div class="full explorer">Full</div>

Valid, and sometimes useful with more alternatives than shown here, but breaks IE: Now both the divs get underlining /and/ red.

Another IE6 bug can be seen when multiple css/html files are combined.

#sidebar {background: maroon; }
#sidebar.head1 { color: white;} /* A */
#sidebar.head2 { color: blue;}  /* B */
#sidebar.head1 {text-decoration: underline; } /* C */

I think of two pages: both load the CSS file/files above. Both show this sidebar:

<div id="sidebar" class="head1">Lorem</div>
<!-- <div id="sidebar" class="head2">ipsum</div>  -->

(The html comment is here to show that the bug is /not/ related to using the same unique id for two divs at one page. Alternate the comments to see for testing, or just remove the comment.)

Did I really expect to get "Lorem" white + underlined and "ipsum" blue?

I copy the rule A into C:

#sidebar {background: maroon; }
#sidebar.head2 { color: blue;}  /* B */
#sidebar.head1 {text-decoration: underline; color: white;} /* C + A */

The second page, "ipsum" text is blue ... finally, he, he.
But the first page, "Lorem" has ... no color, no underline? This is one of these frustrating moments.

I think, for matching id="sidebar" class="head1", IE searches at #sidebar.head2 at first and fails. Now it blocks: #sidebar.<anymatch> and will not be able to look further at #sidebar.head1

The bottom line for me is: I can use multiple classes/id+classes as I like it, and I like it, but I don't use multiple selector rules in IE. It just looks like as if they'd work in IE6, but they do not, imho.


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