you can use h1 or h2 etc as many times as you like - the only restriction is in using class or id - you can only use id once, so if it is going to repeat on the page, use class ... or use neither

On Tuesday, May 17, 2005, at 08:48 AM, Jackie Lott wrote:

I'm new to CSS and wanted to know where I can find guidelines regarding how
many times I can use an h1 tag (or h2, h3, etc.) per page (stupid question,
I know!). For instance, I have two programs I'm highlighting per page, and
I want the titles styled the same way. Can I use the h1 tag twice, or
should I create the same style for the h2 tag? Not sure what's allowed,
and what isn't. Any guidance would be appreciated!

Jackie Lott

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