Leszek schrieb:
On my site, http://leszek.swirski.co.uk/, I made a page to tabularise linear
equations and perform the simplex algorithm upon them (hopefully there's at
a few mathematicians here who understood that).

Nowadays, the demands on someone who just wants to help are getting bigger and bigger. Last time my father (physicist) asked me (lesser mortal) about helping him on his computer I first had to understand his non-linear differential equations in the aerodynamic and flow physics. ;)

Anyway, my problem is that I need to use subscripts for the header row. I
tried the <sub> tag, but that resulted in the non-subscript letters being
misaligned. So, I overrode to vertical-align in the CSS, and changed it to

Do you mean this line?
#dgSimplex th sub { line-height: 1em; vertical-align: bottom; position: relative; top: 0.2em; }

Here is where the strangeness started. On IE (I haven't checked Mozilla
yet), while the page loads, the subscripts are about an inch away from where
they should be. When they finish loading, they jump to their correct place.
Could anyone help me understand what this is?
HTML:   http://leszek.swirski.co.uk/maths/simplex
You need to stick an inequality in there, e.g. P > y to see the subscripts

I see the problem of misaligning without positioning of <sub>.

Does anyone have other IE solutions for this one?


does misalign LTX.

th { line-height:2em; vertical-align:bottom; }
th sub{ line-height:1em;  }
will do in FF and Opera, but not in IE.


The problem is, I cannot confirm this jump of s<sub>1</sub>
with IE6WinXPSP2 at my end. Or did you fix it?

P       y       s1      l
1       -1      -1      0

This litte table just loads to quick here.

- Can you reproduce this problem in a simple static page with a table, example content and your subscripts?
- Does the jump stop when you position:relative the th or/and the tr/ table?
- Does applying zoom:1 (for a test) to the relative positioned elements stop the jump on load?


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