> In addition to Jon's comment about the :before and :after 
> pseudo-elements and the content property, also note that the selector 
> syntax you are using is incorrect.  There can be no whitespace 
> between the element and the attribute portion of the selector.  I.e. 
> your
> a [href^="http://";] {}  should be
> a[href^="http://";] {}

Adam and Jon-

Thanks for the help! That did the trick. I originally had it without any
whitespace and forgot to change it back after noodling with it.

For those stumbling across this thread at a later date, I'll add the
following additional info:

use [att^=value] for selecting a string that begins with the value.
ex: a[href^="http://";] would select any link beginning with http://

use [att$=value] for selecting a string that ends with the value.
ex: a[href^=".pdf"] would select any link ending in .pdf

use [att*=value] for selecting a string that contains the value.
ex: a[href^="aurora"] would select any link containing the string aurora
anywhere in the url.

Internet Explorer 6 and below ignore all of the above.

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