Hi Kaspars,

Thanks very much for your reply, which was very
helpful. I first saw Doug Livingstone's code in
a book by someone else, but with no width included
for #outer. His code at www.redmelon.net/tstme/
3cols2/noborder.htm has width: auto which I tried 
just before I got your reply. As you saw, that didn't work--but your suggestion 

This is my first css layout, so I appreciate the
corrections and have replaced the incorrect classes with <strong> and <em>. I 
see your point about just using the code on www.redmelon.net and will clean
up my code with that model in mind.   

But I'm trying to make the same underlying structure work for both main and 
back page layouts (which are quite different visually), so that's why I needed 
to alter his column widths. I definitely want to keep
all 3 floating columns (and the header and footer),
just with minor variations. I'm still experimenting
and thinking things through but will soon be able
to move the structural code into a separate css file
and organize all the rest of the presentational code (the big mess). ;)


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