On Sun, 29 May 2005 13:17:28 -0400, shawn a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Website: http://detriment.iprx.com/
This is a site for a WoW clan so its graffic intensive and best viewed
at 1024 by 768 and up.
I know im using alot of tables but i see no other practical way to get
all those images to line up.
Any how on to my question. Im creating news posts(by quering at mysql
DB) that are formated pretty heavily with images and such to construct
a pretty box =). If u check it out in FF and Netscape 7.2  i looks
good. The only problem im having with FF and NN is that the .newsBody
and .dateANDtime seem to run onto the left and right borders, no
matter how aggressive i make the padding.
Now if u check this page out in IE 6 and Opera it gets a little scary.
Looks like someone blew   up my pretty box !!!
The pages validates xhtml trans, but the css does not. I get a weird
error. have a look:
XHTML: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdetriment.iprx.com
CSS: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdetriment.iprx.com
any suggestions would be great. Thanks agian!!
~shawn a
If it were not for the fact that you may already have made up your mind, I would have suggested trying a 2-coumn layout that enables the user to determine what screen resolution is best for them, such as:
or the 2-col layout on this page:
or any number of the 3-col layouts on the css-d wiki<List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/> that are easily converted to 2-columns.
...but then you may be simply seeking a fix for what you've got.
David Laakso


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