Hi Steve,

> 1. How do I show my pictures when you mouse over the link ?
> page : http://homepage.mac.com/n00dles/pics.html

You _could_ show the pictures via CSS by adding them in the link:

<a ...>foo<img...></a>

and then hiding and showing them on hover:

a img{
a:hover img{

However, this has several drawbacks:
- The visitor will have to load every image although she might only
want to see one
- You cannot access the images via keyboard
- The display is jumpy, unless you also position the image absolutely

Maybe using a script to display the image in the page makes sense:

> 2. I`m also having a problem floating 2 image. 1 float left and the
> other float is on the right ?
> page : http://homepage.mac.com/n00dles/index.html

If you float elements and you want content to appear next to them
you'll need to add the element first - then the content that should be
displayed next to them.
To avoid the element overlapping the parent container, you'll also
need to clear the float:

Furthermore your pages are in quirksmode now, if you want reliable
results, force standards mode with a proper doctype:

Last and least, and a matter of personal taste: I _hate_ the
expression  n00b. We are mostly professionals here, and not an A/S/L
OMG  ROTFL!!!!!eleventwelve!!!! chatroom. :-)

Chris Heilmann 
Blog: http://www.wait-till-i.com
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Binaries: http://www.onlinetools.org/
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