I'm trying to convert a table/graphical layout to a CSS/HTML layout, and
I'm having a little difficulty with making IE render things properly. I
have a box that outlines a search form, and a little sidebar floated to
the right of it. It seems like the search form (which, unfortunately, is
still a table) isn't clearing the floated div sidebar, unless I try and
mess with the width of the sidebar, in which case the border of the
containing div dissapears--but only around the floated div.

Here's the relevant code from my CSS:

div#commBody div.divRedBoxNotes {
        display: block;
        margin-bottom: 25px;
        padding-left: 5px;
div#commBody div.divRedBoxNotes table.textBody {
        clear: none;
div#commBody div.divRedBoxNotes div.sideBarNoBorder {
        border-left: 1px dashed #CC3333;
        margin-top: 10px;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
        height: 127px;
        padding-left: 10px;

And here's a link to the page in question (works fin in browsers besides


Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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