
This is a continuation of the "page looks fine but printing is screwed up" thread...

In response to the suggestion from Peter Williams I removed the xml line from the top of the file. I appreciate the suggestion and the education, but it has made no difference in the outcome. The illustrative sample ( validates, and has its CSS in-line.

I'm satisfied with this general approach (using definition lists) for having numbered text paragraphs, as it appears to scale well, given that even what I would think of as ridiculously large font sizes (e.g. 38 px) for visually impaired users. Likewise, it requires only a bare minimum of markup to achieve the desired result, in contrast to the use of tables, and in fact even in contrast to the use of floated divs. Note that in this instance, since the numbers are not properly part of the text, I wanted to distinguish that visually; an ordinary <OL> would not allow that, and in any case the material with which I am working offers a lot of complexities. Not every document can be numbered in simple numeric sequence, and aesthetically I prefer to choose one solution that will handle all situations, rather than having several solutions, depending... (It is certainly not essential to the technical issues, but if anyone is interested, a more complex, real-world example of how I intend to use this is found at I've no doubt made some tyro errors, but I've tried to keep everything proportional for future scaling via JS and manipulations of the CSS.)

If the problems with printing can be solved, it looks as though this approach could provide a useful solution to certain classes of multiple item, two column text problems, such as building questionnaires, offering screenplays, etc. Those of us who come to this list, hat in hand, should expect to give something back. Perhaps this approach would be of modest use to others, assuming that the printing problems are resolved/resolvable.

The overall "cannot print" difficulty, I am well nigh convinced, has to do with the user agent wanting to put the entire definition list on one page-- treating it as one unit-- and as such short test cases (1 page) do not demonstrate it. (It makes some modest sense to me that the UAs would try to keep the contents of a DT/DD pair together on one page, but the whole list??)

When trying to print a longer definition list-- i.e. which exceeds one page-- the UAs are (mostly) acting thus (

If page-break-inside: avoid is specified for a long element and the printer is unable to buffer the entire element before committing it to paper, it SHOULD force a page break to occur before the long element and begin the element starting at the top of the next page. If the long element starts at the top of a page and exceeds the page length, the printer SHALL print as much as possible on the first page and then resume that element on the next and subsequent pages as REQUIRED to preserve the content.

As I said, both FF and IE (1.0.4 and 6.0.2 on XP; test browsers most readily available to me) appear to consider the whole definition list as one "long element", and are only "mostly" following the process listed in the spec (albeit I've not found any spec that specifies this behavior for definition lists). In other words, it seems that both IE and FF try to assemble the page, but, for a long list with the CSS as last submitted (i.e., these UAs want to put a page break as the first element of every page-- and so they loop. Different buggy output occurs-- a few all blank pages; far too many blank pages; FF freezing; strange page breaks; truncated printout of the list; etc.-- depending on the specifics of the CSS used (i.e. using page-break-inside:auto; in the DL element, or using page-break-after: always; in the DD element)...

I've not found anything via Google et al about what should happen with a >1 page definition list, nor about this specific problem. Anyone?

I have found several ways to avoid having FF freeze as it ponders the problem of its infinite "must put all this on the next page" loop (the "best" one is shown in the in-line CSS), but so far, no joy at getting what would seem to be the desired result, which is pages with text that are well filled within the margins specified by the browser... The present sample will not freeze FF, but removing the page-break directive from the CSS will cause that...


If this can be fixed, then great, but if not, would anyone out there in expert land wish to venture an opine about other/better ways to accomplish the overall goal, which is having numbered text paragraphs.

David William House
    AllHear, Inc.
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        But find thirst,
      And water from the very ground will burst."
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