I noticed on my home page of my personal web site
(http://www.inspired-evolution.com) my drop cap (the large I in
inspired) doesn't exactly fit in with the rest of the word in IE 6
(pc), that is it is too far to the right. In the browser I designed
the site for (Mozilla for Mac), it looks good and is positioned how I
want it.

Any suggestions on a IE 6 hack without messing up the positioning on
the good browsers?

URL: http://www.inspired-evolution.com

relavent CSS:

#main_content_home {
min-height: 625px;/* set here min height */
height: auto !important;/* overwrite the height */
height: 540px;/* this is also the min height for IE */
border:2px solid #069;
background: #fff url(/images/I2.gif) 11% 10% no-repeat ;
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