I couldn't see your site. I keep getting DNS not found.

I'm only guessing at what the problem could be, but have you tried the
band-pass filter or other IE hacks?


Also, look for the heading "Giving Internet Explorer what it needs"
in this article:


These other articles are also pretty handy for general stuff that we
all know, but still forget from time to time:



On Sun, 10 Jul 2005, Sam Leathers wrote:

> I've been working on a site for a week now, trying to get positioning
> looking good. The site is www.mapienet.biz/newmag/index.php. The
> positioning looks great in firefox, but in IE it broke horribly. I added
> a bunch of * html tags to force some boxes with IE 6 into the right
> place (IE5 still needs lots of help it freezes hard on mac according to
> a friend of mine). Also, some reason IE6 is ignoring the bold statements
> for my title tags.
> Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.
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