Hi there,
It's flickering for me here on FF mac, laptop...
did you meet this problem especially on Firefox... I'm asking this because i experienced similar situation with fixed elements covering big size images... In fact the more i design with it the more i think the Gecko layout engine is poor, has difficulties to paint, or in your case repaint the background, on screen when the content is scrolled. As Bruce mentioned you should probably change your background... I've seeen more pattern based on diagonals than horizontal lines... Or maybie try a background-attachment: no-scroll, that will stop your bgnd moving up and down and should resolve the flicker.
Good luck.

Hi Bruce,

I'm not sure if it's the CSS causing the problem.  It may be the space
between the lines.  The gap is very narrow, on my screen resolution
(1280 X 1024) the page hurts my eyes a bit, so maybe it is an optical
effect caused by scrolling the page.

Regards, Keith.

On 7/11/05, Bruce Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Several people have pointed out to me that on my site you get a
"flicker" when scrolling down or up with the background image which is
just a small line gif which repeats.
I can duplicate this myself, but I am not sure what is causing this problem.

the URL is http://www.inspired-evolution.com
CSS: http://www.inspired-evolution.com/Gilbert.css

any suggestions?
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