On 12/07/05, Ben Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I like the technique of importing an IE 'hack' stylesheet by using the
> > <!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="IE_hack.css" ..... <!
> > [endif]-->
> > because it doesn't require good browsers to have to look at a lot
> > of garbage.
> >
> > But I've run into a problem. When using one of my available alternate
> > stylesheets I do not want the IE 'hack' stylesheet. But, because it is
> > in the XHTML file, IE uses it.
> You may be able to get the results you want if your alternate
> stylesheet is linked to after your hack sheet. Then, the alternate
> would only override the hacks when it is active.

I tried this order:
default stylesheet (screen)
alternate stylesheet (screen)
alternate stylesheet (screen)
conditional IF in comments for IE
alternate stylesheet (screen) <-- the one where I don't want the IE hacks
default stylesheet (print)

(I was hoping to use the cascade to my advantage). Is this what you
are suggesting?

It didn't work. :-(

T. R. Valentine
The only excuse for using IE is ignorance
(stupidity is a reason, _not_ an excuse).
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