(the following is what I thought I sent to the list, but strangely is not in my sent box... my apologies if this has gone out twice)

Hi folks, first time poster, been loving the daily css discussion since i signed up a few days ago...

Which brings me to my first issue. I'm currently building a site on top of the Drupal CMS. I had tried editing several of the existing templates they have for sites but found I was having problems with all of them. So, here I am, working from scratch towards a fluid 3 column layout (with this as my guide: http://webhost.bridgew.edu/etribou/layouts/skidoo/).

Anyways the first problem is that I'm getting a gap between my header div and my content wrapper div, as seen in just about everything but IE 6 and Firefox (PC). I know this because thankfully I have BrowserCam to show me that things are already haywire on the Mac end of things. Here's the URL:
user:pass:  buyblue:letmein

As you can see, I haven't even gotten to my main content div or my right sidebar yet, but I want to nip this in the bud right away. Here's the comp of what I'm shooting for: http://www.buyblue.org/v2/layout1c.gif (same user/pass if needed)

Thanks in advance!


John Haas
Web/Multimedia Designer

[man][ape] design

w: http://www.manapedesign.com
p: 215.868.2661

630 N. 17th St. #1
Philadelphia, PA 19130

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