At 2005/08/03, Ingo Chao Said unto me:
Travis Nep Smith wrote:

I thought I could just make a box with side borders and no top border, create an image that was 2 px wider than the box, and use a -2px negative left margin on the image to yank it out, over the left border.
but when the image is wider than the box, IE will let the box expand to fit the img, as discussed today in the thread by Roberto Gorjão.
so the image is 182px, the box has 182px+border.

Give the border another color, say blue, to see the different starting point of IE vs the Fx. (without neg margin).

Then the position relative takes effect and the image is offset 2px to the left. So the right boundary of the image leaves a 2px space to the border.


Thanks, Ingo.

OK, so since I can't find a way to stop IE from making the box too big, I went another route and I used background images to look like a border.

But now, I have the oddest problem: When I add a :hover to change the background image, the wrong background image gets applied.

Look here:
In Firefox, each of the main boxes (Plan, Build, Present, Promote) gets the proper background when hovered. In IE, all boxes get the fourth background. Why's this? How can I fix it?



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