Richard Garbutt wrote:
The problem is with the navigation on the right. The elements with red
borders are an unordererd list (#menulist) inside an absolutely
positioned div (#menu). The unordered list has width set to 9em and
margin: auto. The page is meant to behave like it does in Firefox, and
how it does before the hover event is triggered in IE.


Before thinking of fixing IE, we should fix the difference in the interpretation of your page in Fx and Opera8.

Fx shows a wide, Opera a narrow #menu (red border)

When #rap gets a position:relative, Opera 8 and Fx show nearly the same. But, is it what you wanted to achieve?

You container have no width, and percentage margins, and the menu container is positioned absolute, without a width, but with an percentage offset.

position:relative states that #rap shall be the containing block for this a.p. container, and the right:6% is computed relative to its origin.


IE seems to suffer from similar relational problem: no width, %-margins, positioning: the calculation is done with respect to widths not fully known while rendering, and when you hover over a link, a redraw will rearrange these elements with respect to other lengths that are not necessarily right.

I've tried to stabilize IE6 with a
#quirksfix {_height:1%;}

as an additional wrapper:

<div id="quirksfix">
  <!-- begin sidebar -->
  <div id="menu">
  <!-- end sidebar -->

well, it's not equal to Fx  and Opera, but not jumping anymore.

In conclusion, I'm a little bit clueless what lenght relates to what element, and the three browsers seem to feel the same. Maybe, to prevent the quirky percentages, you might switch to em-based margins and paddings, and help the browser to calculate with some width?


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