On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Jason Meredith wrote:

> I cannot use frames, and business will not allow me to change the
> structure in any way (so content must scroll in the middle, and must
> remain visible because it contains a news ticker tape)

.ticker {
  height: something;
  width: something;
  margin: something;  /*  maybe  */
  overflow: scroll;

The overflow attribute may need some tweaking, but that should get you the 
desired results.


An examination of the same property as described over at MSDN might also 
be useful.

As for placing it on the canvas where needed, that's more a question of
your needs; could be use of floats, or absolute positioning, or relative
positioning, but you're the better judge of which approach to take.  If,
for example, you're irrevocably stuck with describing the entire layout in
a table, then you'll want to use absolute positioning for the widget at

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Sitebuilder At-Large       at.  Therefore, though they should fail
http://www.henick.net/     immediately, they had better aim high."
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