
A simple way to do this is to float both the content and the menu bar
and have the footer clear both:

#menu {
#content {
#footer {

This works in IE and all CSS2 compliant browsers. It also means it's
very easy to swap content and menu around if you want to.

Bruno Girin 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason W.
Sent: 26 August 2005 02:25
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] Problem with floats and IE6

Hi list,

(This is my first post to css-d, but I've been a lurker for a while
and I've picked up some good things from the list. I'm semi-competant
in CSS2, but I don't know all the various quirks, hence my question..)

I'm designing a two-column layout with a header and footer for a site
that has a fixed-width menubar on the left and a variable width
content column on the right that takes up the remaining space in the
window. I want the content to come first in the code so that screen
readers won't have to skp through the menubar. The only way I found to
do that was to float the content to the right and leave the menu

This works great on Firefox, but not on IE6/Win. On IE, the menubar
doesn't "snap" up beside the content - it's as if the content isn't
floated. It does validate as XHTML Transitional and barring the
opacity stuff in the css, that validates as well.

I have the site live on my testing server. HTML is at
http://www.jasonwellband.com:8082/index-testing.shtml. CSS is at
http://www.jasonwellband.com:8082/main.css and
http://www.jasonwellband.com:8082/ssi/menu.css. As of right now, I'm
using http://www.jasonwellband.com:8082/index.shtml and
http://www.jasonwellband.com:8082/aboutus/future.shtml as testing
pages to make sure the footer is positioned correctly.

This has got me really stumped so any pointers or answers would be


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