On 9/11/05 2:17 PM, "Keith Burgin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Mckee wrote:
>> site
>> http://sixfoottwo.gotdns.com/~sixfoottwo/_test/index.html

On my Mac running 10.4.2:
Looks good in IE 5.2.3*, Opera 8, Safari 2.0, and Firefox 1.0.6

* In IE 5/Mac, the red "first-letter" is appearing very small as opposed to
larger.  You may want to try changing "font-size: larger;" to "font-size:
125%;" for IE5/Mac.  It is red, just very small.

h1:first-letter {
color: #f00;
text-decoration: none;

On my PC, running (more of a slow jog really) XP Home:
Looks good in FF 1.06, Opera 8, IE6, IE5.5, and IE5; except that IE5 does
not honor the "h1:first-letter;" declaration.  IE5/Win is handling it better
than IE5/Mac in that it is making the first letter in the <h1> the same
size, just not red.

Both IE 5/Mac and PC are as near dead as any browser (except NN4 maybe), so
fixing/hacking to make those browsers happy is a personal, or audience
demand issue, IMO.

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