Ray Mike Troy Pello wrote:

Tekin Suleyman wrote:

no, the problem is that when you roll over the 'products' menu buttom,
the sub menu appears, but a big gap also appears between the 'products'
button and the 'gallery' one. I only seem to get this with IE6..
I have discovered that if i add

vertical-align: bottom;

to the ul#mainnav li style, this gets rid of the problem, but messes it
up for other browsers. I may have to settle for having a seperate
conditional stylesheet for IE6 with these styles in..

Found the problem.. you used display: block; to show the list of dropdowns on IE this is somewhat buggy and tend to have some margin problems on IE. I tried a couple of steps but i think adding ul#mainnav li to include float: left; instead of display: block; does the trick.

The code should be :

ul#mainnav li {
   display: block;
   float: left;

Of course then the boxiviy div below it would need to be adjusted. But i hope this can help your problem.
Double stylesheet wont help .. more work IMO


Ray Pello
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