jleonard wrote:
   I am working on a page that uses CSS to draw a box. That box has an
"onClick" and "onMouseOver" in the div that creates it. Within that
box, there are text links, that also have "onClick" and "OnMouseOver"
attributes in the HREF.

   What (we thought) should happen is that clicking anywhere in the
box send the user to destination A. Clicking just a text link inside
would send the user to destination B.

   Right now, when you click the text link in the box, both
"onClicks" are triggered. Any help, advice, etc would be greatly

Umm, not to put too fine a point on it, but this the the **CSS** Discuss list. You would probably find more success, and almost certainly more welcome for the subject matter, for this question over in the Javascript list, available here https://lists.latech.edu/mailman/listinfo/javascript. Please see the CSS-D wiki, and note this page http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=OffTopic.

While you're at it, it might be a good idea to either provide a link so that potential respondents can actually, you know, see the relevant HTML and Javascript (to determine to what DOM object(s) the Javascript applies). No need to include the CSS, as it is used for styling and in the current instance is probably totally irrelevant to the issue.


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