Hi all,

I'm afraid I've not been able to grab time to read most my lists messages 
during the lasts months, nor to answer any, pardon me please, but I'm getting 
kind of desperate on this new challenge, so I'm turning on to you :):

I'm designing a site for a graphic company, still in the process of showing up 
the possibilities to the client, still testing just in IE6 pc, latest Opera and 
latest Firefox and getting already frustrated for not being able to tame IE.

The sites test pages is at:
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/ (background displaying fine)
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/galeria/portfolio.htm (troubled page)
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/lib/default.css (basic css)
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/lib/standardbrowsers.css (site wide css)
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/lib/especifica1.css (pure dom's list and 
gallery's css)
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/lib/pde.js (pure dom explorers script)

The simpler pages are displaying fairly ok, but at the page 
http://unbound.no.sapo.pt/decoder/galeria/portfolio.htm I decided to use an 
unordered using the "pure dom explorer" from Christian Heilmann presented at 
http://www.onlinetools.org/tools/puredom/, a script I find truely elegant, and 
a thumbnail gallery following the exemple of Stu Nicholls in 
http://www.webreference.com/programming/css_gallery/index.html, and things are 
getting realy messy.

I was able to avoid the absolutly positioned list to jump over the tree pure 
dom list using a content streching div bitween them, witch meens if the script 
isn't loaded, the lists comes all the way down before the thumbnail gallery 
without destroying the structure for the "Gello Layout" (built uppon the Mike 
Purvis's genius idea described at 
http://positioniseverything.net/articles/jello-expo.html witch calls for a 
relatively positioned wrapper div).

But although for latest Opera and Firefox things get preety well presented, IE 
seams not to regain the space it saves when the list is shrinked uppon the 
script loading, so it leaves a continuos space correspondent to the lenght it 
would ocupye if the list was all opened, and messing up that spaces 

I might consider a different design, with a diferent kind of list, eventually 
one using "hover"s but right now I really intend to solve this issue.

Since I cannot defined a maximum height for the list or any of its wrappers in 
IE, I presume it is not possible to use css to fix the list after the script is 
applied. (is this true?) I thought of the Peter-Paul Koch's structure used in 
the "Three column stretching" article at http://www.quirksmode.org/ but it 
seams to undergo the same difficulty with IE: it streches, but it doesn't 
Maybe I could make the script calculate the needed height and pull things up 
after the doms nodes generation, say like reloading the page without reloading 
the script or something? (is this remotly possible? I'm still assuming simples 
styles application wont work.)
IE loads other structures using similar principles quite well; for instance, 
http://www.alistapart.com/d/eatcake/final.html (let them eat the cake's 
article) also uses style.display:none and style.display:block based functions 
uppon scripts loading, altought at div structures, and I see no extra spaces 
sretching heights. What am I missing? Does this has anything to do with using 
an ul?
And finally, is there a valid reason for this not to be working, because of 
some stupid mistake, or because it is symply incompatible with IE6 pc, period?

Ansiously looking forward for clues,
thank you very mutch for your time,

Isabel Santos

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