>I cannot believe how hard CSS is. I am ready to give up.

Don't give up Nancy. CSS isn't "easy" but it is worth the effort to learn.
And don't let the expertise on this list fool you. At some point, we were
all beginners. The more I learn about CSS the more I know I don't know.

> What am I doing wrong?   http://www.wminc.biz/newpage.htm

1) Two sets of closing tags - remove one of them

2) Following <div ...
  <div id="container"> opened
    <div id="button"> opened
        </div> closed
  <div id="footer"> opened
  </div> closed
  </div> which closed the "container" id
I find I still have to indent all my <div's correctly or I can't see the
opening and closings. It's part of the 'larnin' process for me, especially
when I'm taking on a new site and have multiple divs. For example, I would
have done the following with the above:
  <div id="container"> 
     <div id="button">
     </div> <!-- close ID button -->
     <div id="footer"> 
     </div> <!-- close ID footer -->
  </div> <!-- close ID container -->

One thing though -- where do you plan on putting "content"? I see from your
CSS you plan for it. Add it in with the Latin text for filler.

3) the masthead770.gif is not in the images directory. Or maybe it's a JPG
file and not and not a GIF. Or maybe its got a capitol letter in it like

The first things to fix are #1 and #3. 

Oh -- don't use the STRONG in <a
If you want all those bolded on presentation then make font-weight:bold part
of the "A" attribute of your #button. Just add it to:

#button li a {
display: block;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 0.5em; (mixing px and .em in the padding probably isn't
a good idea)
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
width: 150px;

Hope this helps and don't give up!

Lynda Peach

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