thanks for the info. that does clear things up considerably. the xml
declaration is there because i thought it was supposed to be there for
some reason... easy enough to remove it.

On 10/7/05, Holly Bergevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: cody h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >the outermost container's (#pagecontainer) side margins are set to
> >auto, but the container refuses to center in ie6. strangely, it used
> >to work fine, but i can't figure out what might have been done to
> >break it.
> >
> There are a few things going on here that may be contributing to IE6 not 
> centering the container, but I need to clear up one "FAQ" that has been 
> presented to you. IE6 WILL center containers with auto margins, as long as 
> the document is in standards mode, and not in quirks mode.[1] IE5.x/Win 
> browsers will not center containers using auto margins, and for them, 
> {text-align: center;} must be used.
> That said...
> Since your document uses and XML declaration at the beginning, IE6 is running 
> in quirks mode, and will not center using auto margins.
> Additionally, IE6 does not understand min-width, so since your container 
> (from the screen.css sheet) does not have an acutal width set, there is 
> nothing for IE6 to center, even if it were not in quirks mode. Text-align: 
> center is likely to solve your problems in this instance, but you might 
> consider dealing with the other issues. Is there a reason you need the XML 
> declaration? The page is not being served as XML...
> Hope that helps clear things up,
> ~holly
> ps - note, I did no testing with your page...
> [1]Rendering Mode and Doctype Switching 
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