Hello to all,

Let me share with you a problem I have with a list of (logo+title+lead
in+link to the complete article) on my homepage.


That's an internet explorer only problem (ie. it displays fine on
safari, konqueror, firefox and opera).

When I load the page http://www.ilga-europe.org the first time on IE
6, it displays fine (the list is the "Latest news" in the middle

The second time I display the page (eg. If I clic on the top left
corner logo to reload the page -simply refreshing the page doesn't
seem to be trig the problem-),
some of the logos in the list jumps to the right and cover the lead
in, like if they forgot the negative left-margin.

To see the effect, you might or might not have to display the homepage
several time. Also it *seems* that the images have an influence, as
some logos seems to jump and some don't (not that convinced myself, I
haven't been able to find a pattern).

The xhtml:

xhtml 1.1 strict valid.

The round shape on the image is a mask (image with a transparent round
in the middle and opaque for the rest).

<div class="homepage">
<div class="left_column'>
<div class="content-view-line">
    <div class="logo" style='background-image:url("the_image_I_want.jpg");'>
       <a href="link/to/the/article">
          <img class="mask" src="/design/ilgaeurope/images/blank.gif" alt="" />
The real logo is the background image of the div "logo",
the mask class sets the mask image (a transparent shape) and the blank
image is just a placeholder.
    <div class="second_column"><div class="date">12/10/2005</div>
    <h2><a href="link/to/the/article">Title</a></h2>
            <div class="attribute-long">
               Lead in to the article
               <div class="readmore"><a href="link/to/the/article"
title="read the complete article">read more<span


The css:

I know that the css doesn't validate and before you beat me, let me
tell you that the main reason for that is to handle the png

.logo{float: left;margin:10px 0 10px 10px;}
.logo {background:50% 50% no-repeat;}

.left_column .content-view-line .logo {width:84px;height:79px;}

.left_column .content-view-line .second_column {margin-left:20px;}

html>body .left_column .content-view-line .logo {float:left;margin-left:-40px;}
/* for everyone but ie */

.homepage .logo {margin:0;position:relative;left:0px;top:0;padding:0}
.homepage .logo a {display:inline;margin:0;padding:0;}

.mask {background: url('../images/mask.png') no-repeat 50%

* html .mask {

* html .homepage .logo {margin-left:-43px;}
/* for ie */

I use a png for the mask to have a smooth edge on the round border.
The * html .mask filter:progid is to allow ie to render it properly.

This jumping behavior is new to me, I've tried the tricks I know to
fix ie bugs (eg: put a position:relative;height:1%...) without any

I've spent quite a few time on this problem, but now I'm stuck, and
I'm clueless.

Have you experienced such behavior ? Could you suggest me tests or
simplification to help me to understand what is the problem ?

Any help more that welcome !

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