css.student wrote:

>what are the problems? All that I can see is that the link text is not
>being hidden...anything else?
>to hide the text, you'll need to edit the markup:
><li><a href=#><b>link</b></a></li>
>and the css, accordingly:
>li a b {visibility:hidden;}
>- CSS Student
>On 10/31/05, Vicki Stebbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>At 11:26 AM 31/10/2005, Graham Reeds wrote:
>>>I have implemented a suckerfish menu for a redesign of a game site.
>>>However every implementation I come up with works fine in FF and Opera8,
>>>but fails in IE6 (only tested on Windows).
>>>I also used the block image code which I was having trouble with last
>>>week (thanks for the help).
>>>The test site is here: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/graham.reeds/space
>>>and the css is here
>>>Thanks, Graham Reeds.
>>Hi Graham,
>>I have to say I got sooooo frustrated with the suckerfish menu I bought
>>Eric Meyer's Book 'More Eric Meyers on CSS' and implemented his menu (easy
>>and worked well), it also had how to do an image gallery which was perfect
>>for the job I was working on.
>>I was pointed to the book by Kev Adamson http://www.kevadamson.com, he had
>>used it in the sites he designed.
>>css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
>>Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/
The original problem is the fact that I had to reduce the size of the 
text via "font-size: 1px" to get it to render properly on IE6.  To me 
that seems rather hacky and I was wondering if there was any more 
elegant way of achieving this.  If you look at the test page now it is 
coming to life a lot more, and the menus work (or they should).

Also I have a problem in that when I upload the page to an actual site 
and not the IIS that is on my local box the page is excrutiatingly slow 
in IE6 yet smooth as silk in Opera and FF.  Pop into the room next to 
mine and it runs fine in his IE6.  I think this is a IIS local-external 
thing going on.

Also I have had another one of my friends test it on his Mac and it 
works fine apparently.

[OT]: Are there any lists similar to this that deal with JavaScript?  I 
now have a couple of JS problems and my knowledge of JS is more limited 
than my knowledge of CSS...


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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