> <style type="text/css"   >@import url(savedstyles/newstyle.css);   </style>
> 1. This appears in the <BODY> of the XHTML page, is that OK to be in
> the BODY and not in the HEAD?

Internal and external styles should be defined in the head section. [1, 
2] For external stylesheets you can use @import or <link>. More on this 
subject [3, 4].

If you run a page with the style tag inside the body element through the 
validator [5] it returns the following error:

"The element named above [<style>] was found in a context where it is 
not allowed. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements 
-- such as a 'style' element in the 'body' section instead of inside 

> 2. Does this affect (apply styles to) only the HTML that appears after it?

I don't think it does but I am not sure.

> 3. What does the > in the  >@import    do?

That ">" you see is actually part of the <style type="text/css" tag. It 
just has some unecessary space.

Hope this helps.

1. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS1#containment-in-html
2. http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_howto.asp
3. http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ImportHack
4. http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/54299 (When to use 
@ (import) and when to use straight linking of CSS files?)
5. http://validator.w3.org/
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