> Hi everyone,
> I've successfully got the opacity filter working okay for a background
> that
> displays an image.
> The problem is the image is also made transparent,
> see  http://www.explorerexperience.com.au/gallery.shtml
> CSS: here http://www.explorerexperience.com.au/styles/image.css
> Anyone know how to keep the background transparent and have the text and
> image not?

My suggestion would be to use an Alpha-transparent PNG and use something
like Dean Edward's IE7 to ensure it displays correctly in IE 5.5 & 6.
(Don't forget to name the file with "-trans.png", in the IE7 case.)

However, I recently confused myself trying to do something similar; I put
a 1-pixel black repeated background positioned overtop of a another black
element (body background), and it went gray (btw #333 & #555). I had
assumed 50% #000 on top of #000 would yeild #000, but unless I did
something wrong in generating the PNG, it didn't, even in better-behaved
browsers (like FF and OP). This threw off my intuition using Alpha
transparency, so I instead used the various opacity properties for each
browser (because I didn't mind the opacity inheriting). (If the reasoning
doesn't make sense, it was for a sonofsuckerfish dropdown over an image
gallery; so the menu would obscure the image while keeping it visible, but
would blend with the background. I don't just make overly complicated
black-on-black elements for fun.)

The PNG solution should work, however, with some javascript to make sure
IE applies its PNG Alpha filter.

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