From: "Alex Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Yes we all use workarounds. So what's the exact problem you have?

The complexity. It sometimes reminds me of a Rube Goldberg machine :-)

> I have asked you before offlist to elucidate. I now ask you again 
> (but I'm lazy and so just copying and pasting)
> Which of the techniques do you disagree with? To quote from the 
> article's conclusion:
> The Any Order and Vertical Grid techniques are fundamentally simple. 
> More importantly, they will carry on working for as long as browsers 
> support CSS2.1. All that will change is the dropping some of the 
> hacks which are only needed to help the current crop of browsers 
> (Safari notwithstanding - and Gecko once they get that regression 
> bug fixed). That is, the techniques will improve over time. Why? 
> Because these techniques do exactly what the specs say you can do.
> On the other hand, the Equal Height technique is a kludge - despite 
> the fact that the basic concept is solid and that any future 
> browsers that are properly conforming will support it. But it's only 
> needed because display: table-cell doesn't allow for a) reordering 
> the columns, or in today's browsers at any rate, b) absolute or 
> relative positioning.
> Do you disagree with my analysis here?

Just a little. I have a different way of approaching web pages than 
many of the regulars here - on up to the head man himself :-) Much of 
it is just this damn compulsion I have to take the line of least 
resistance. I hate fighting uphill :-) I do hope that 
display:table-cell is embraced once its support is better - but I fear 
the word "table" in the spec could doom it to qualifying only as a 
means to display tabular data :-)

> I'm seriously interested about your disagreements, because if you 
> make a good case I'll probably add something in about it. 
> Personally, because of the drawbacks that I see of using javascript 
> for any or all of the component methods, I am too prejudiced to 
> write a fair case for a javascript alternative. You know, I'd write 
> something like "Well you could do x (massive subtext but you'd be an 
> idiot)" ;)
> Come on Al!

I really don't have the time or energy to express as much as you. 
Gosh, you can write. But your javascript remark above is very telling. 
There is nothing bad about JavaScript. It's a tool. It's a native 
language to all popular browsers and works remarkably well if written 
and dployed efficiently. The allergy some folks around hither and yon 
have to scripting is ridiculous. I've seen as many bady written CSS 
files as I have scripts and both are capable of destroying a page. So, 
I have to post this as the best solution for equal height columns. Why 
is this page I'm about to link to the best solution? Because Equal 
Heigh Columns is useless to convey information. It is only useful as a 
visual aspect of a design. In that regard, it is a better solution 
because it's doing what it was meant to do. It allows CSS authors, 
especially novices, to simply describe boxes. No filter hack mumbo 
jumbo, no negative margins or big paddings. Just give me the box and 
I'll make it what I want it to be, visually. It has nothing to do with 
information or semantics. It is ------ completely separate.

and it draws and renders better :-)

> Despite me asking you to take this off list, here we still are. On 
> list. I apologise to everyone for prolonging this matter but I just 
> wanted to make my offer/challenge to Al, public and explicit. Unless 
> it's seriously libellous or rubbish, I'll publish any critique of 
> the techniques that comprise the One True Layout he cares to throw 
> my way, though the more constructive it is about alternative 
> solutions the better. Hey, if anyone else wants to do it, that's ok 
> with me too.
> This will be my last response on the matter on list. Please Al, if 
> you have anything further to add, that isn't related to you know, 
> that practical css vibe, please direct it to me personally and we 
> can report back on anything that pops out.

This will be my last response, too. Thanks for engaging me, Alex.

Al Sparber

"Designing with CSS is sometimes like barreling down a crumbling 
mountain road at 90 miles per hour secure in the knowledge that 
repairs are scheduled for next Tuesday".

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