Hello AD,

> Hi John,
> I'm not too sure I understand what your problem is. You say the #content
> attaches itself to the bottom of the screen but I don't see that
> happening here.

Really?  That is odd.  On every system I have tested it appears like I
said - with the content div extending all the way to the bottom of the
screen, leaving no room for anything below it.  I have even tried to
create another div below (outside of the wrapper), and I still get no
room under the content div.

What browser/sys are you using?  
> The only problem I see is that #copyright is lost in the middle of the
> #content div.

The #copyright is lost in the middle right now as a temporary thing.  I
know I have to fix that.  As soon as I find some room under the content,
I'll stick the copyright there.

> I'd advise you to use the floats as you suggested but change #content's
> float from right to left and then control the spacing with padding or
> margins.

Yes! I want very much to use floats.  I have tried to control the
spacing using margins and padding, and the #content still slips under
the #menu - not only in IE, but in Firefox too.  Any other suggestions?

> Hope this helps. Sorry if it doesn't answer your question.

Thank you for your advice.


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