At 04:41 PM 11/20/2005, L. David Baron wrote:
>  1. you left out the "i" in "visited".  (The somewhat misnamed
>     "Javascript Console" in Firefox 1.5 would tell you this, since it
>     contains CSS parser errors too.)

Oops! I'd have probably found my typo once I solved the bigger problem of 
the styles not showing up at all. :)

>  2. 'border: 1px' is a shorthand that specifies the default values for
>     'border-color' and 'border-style'.  Since the default for
>     'border-style' is 'none', you have no border.  You should use
>     'border: 1px solid #aaa', etc.  (Looking at the style rules in DOM
>     Inspector helped with this, since the style rules' contents shown in
>     DOM inspector have the contents expanded.)

Thanks!  I hadn't checked the specs recently enough to remember that "none" 
was the default border-style.  I had thought that "solid" was the default 
border style, which is why I didn't bother specifying it.

Problem solved.  Thanks for the quick response (to both you and Schalk)

Erik Harris                      
-        AIM: KngFuJoe - Yahoo IM: kungfujoe7 - ICQ: 2610172        -
Chinese-Indonesian Martial Arts Club

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