> That is perfect and as you can see from the site worked. Is there any
> reason why I could not have just deleted the float bit?

This would be the PERFECT time for someone who knows more about floating
menus to take over.  :)

>From one not-so-great with this, though...  I think floating the UL
makes it display more consistently across browsers, but my memory is
faulty at best.  Maybe that consistency thing is just with LI, in which
case the following CSS steps work in FireFox (not tested in IE):

#topnavcontainer ul {
*DELETE* float: left;

#topnavcontainer ul li {
*DELETE* display: inline;
*ADD* float: left;
*ADD* list-style: none;

#topnavcontainer ul li a {
*DELETE* float: left;

*CHANGE* that "#topnavcontainer:after {" to be "#topnavcontainer
ul:after {"
*CHANGE* that "* html topnavcontainer {" to be "* html topnavcontainer
ul {"
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