L. Robinson wrote:

>Converting legacy site to tableless layout and there are some advanced
>(and not-so-advanced) cross-browser tricks eluding me.  Having searched,
>I'd be most grateful if someone can hit me with a clue stick on a few of
>Site here: http://beta.consupro.net/default_new.asp
>CSS here: http://beta.consupro.net/site-styles/screen-switcher-default.css

>I've read about many people's preferences on this, but could use a lot 
>more. Opinions on the best way to make them relatively the same 
I think you hit target when you wrote 'opinions' regarding font-sizing.
The purpose of typography, on and off the Web, is very simple: make the 
written readable.
I would suggest this as one way one /might/ do that on your site:
html,body {
   /*font: 85%/1.5em arial, helvetica, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;*/
font-family: arial, helvetica, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;  
line-height: 1.5;
/*html>body { font-size: 76%; }*/
And reduce the font-size on h2, & the h-nav.
aside: there seems to be an e-mail protocol error on your end?

David Laakso

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