David Laakso wrote:
> Schalk wrote:
>> Greetings All
>> I believe  I have got  the footers on the site to stick to the bottom 
>> using the technique of footerStickAlt but now my faux column graphic 
>> is not being repeated up to the footer anymore.
> Schalk,
> I believe you'll need to add the faux gif to the body declaration in 
> addition to where you have it.
> Please note that the font-size has been changed on the body from em to 
> percent(to correct the extreme font-size bug in ie), and that the 
> line-height has been stated as a raw number:
> html, body {
>   background-image: 
> url('http://www.elpasoreading.us/joomla/templates/epr/images/widgets/faux_columns.gif');
>    background-position:top left;
>    background-repeat:repeat-y;      background-color:#f4f4f4;      
> margin:0;
>    border:0;
>    padding:0;
>    height:100%;      font:100.01%/1.3 Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;   }
> Best,
> ~dL
Greetings David

Your solution did work but... There seems to always be a but. The way 
forms are placed inside pages within the Joomla CMS is via an iframe. 
Now, that is all good and well accept, the iframe is using the same 
body, html settings and including the faux columns inside itself. 
Obviously not what I want. Is there a way to remove the background image 
from the iframe without removing it from the rest of the body?

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.President

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