Hi All,

I have a problem with a page I'm setting up with floats and paragraphs.

I want to keep the page as simple as possible and so have created one DIV 
with all text and images contained therein.

The problem I'm having is trying to get new paragraphs to appear under the 
previous paragraph. The div will be on more pages with different amounts of 
text in each paragraph.

The first 2 paragraphs in the below example is what I would like to achieve 
(yep the image floats and text is supposed to wrap) I've fudged the look by 
adding a 70px margin below the image thus lining the text.

If I take out the margin and let wrap its lines up but as soon as a 
paragraph has little or no text the whole page just blow apart.

Here's the sample page:


Here's the CSS:


Thanking you all in advance.

Trevor Boult

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