From: "Gunlaug Sørtun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Al Sparber wrote:
>> As a point of information, we've had this page floating around a 
>> long
>>  time:
> I've ran some of your solutions earlier, and found them a bit slow 
> and
> "jerky". No such problems with this one though - it worked really
> smooth. Nice.

I guess that's better than calling me jerky :-) I'm glad you like 
this, though. If the "jerky" solution happened to be the Equal Height 
Columns script, the animation is probably the reason, but it can be 
easily turned off. Let me know if that was an issue - if not, let me 
know which solution you did find jerky so we can look at it... we 
haven't noticed anything, but if you see it, we'd like to examine it.

> Since this is js/expressions simulating standard CSS-properties, do 
> you
> have an open page with a bit more info to go with those demos? 
> Something
> that someone, who can read all kinds of code without necessarily 
> being
> able to write them, can make use of before running site wide 
> testing?

We've been meaning to turn it into an article/tutorial like the EQ 
Columns one, but we're in the middle of developing a new commerical 
tool for Dreamweaver and are a bit backlogged. We'll get around to it 
though. If you have specific questions in the meantime, mail us 
offlist and we'll try our best to accomodate.

> Basically interested in min/max both height and width, as defined in
> CSS, for IE/win.

We've never found a need to do height. Can you give me an example of 
how that would be useful? -or would a smoother Equal Height Columns 
solution take care of that?

Al Sparber

"Designing with CSS is sometimes like barreling down a crumbling 
mountain road at 90 miles per hour secure in the knowledge that 
repairs are scheduled for next Tuesday".

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