>> -----Original Message-----
>> I have intergrated my orum with my site. so far so good. except the
>> IE renders the page.
>> if i could get away with swearing i would lol. for now i shall cry.
>> can anyone suggest a fix, or see where i have gone wrong?
>> all fine in FF windows, just IE is the problem
>> http://www.soddengecko.com/forum/
>I've looked at your poor site half a dozen times now, and I can't seem
>to spot where IE is messing it up.  Hopefully someone else here will
>have a fresh set of eyes to peer around with.

There are a few things you can do that will improve things significantly. The 
first is to get IE6 out of "quirks" mode by giving your page a complete doctype 

Then, you can simplify your life by changing all the widths of your tables to 
99% instead of 100%. 

Finally, with a selector something like the following, change the margin and 
padding settings for the class="buffer" div that holds all forum post tables - 

#middle .buffer {margin: 0; padding: 5px;} 

I didn't look at your style sheet, so I don't know what the values set for 
margin and padding on .buffer are, but the above should override them for that 
middle instance of the class.

I hope that helps,

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