Rolf Mortenson wrote:

>Could someone please explain the use of display:table-cell?
>I can never seem to get my brain around the how's and why's
>Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act  
>like tables and table cells?
Here's another reason that hasn't been pointed out yet: CSS isn't all 
about HTML. CSS is in theory capable of giving presentation attributes 
to any kind of data model that consists of nodes (elements) arranged as 
a tree, with attributes associated with these nodes. You can style your 
arbitrary XML with it, for example. All you need is a way to connect the 
CSS to the tree. For XML, this happens through the xml-stylesheet PI. 
Just put this at the top of an XML file:
<?xml-stylesheet href="css source" type="text/css"?>
Mozilla, among others, will then display the results of styling the XML. 
There's just one rule predefined: every element has display:inline.
If your custom XML contains a table-like structure, you can use the 
table-* display values to instruct the UA to display that stuff as a table.

Sebastian Redl
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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