Rachael Beale wrote:
> I'm not sure if I didn't get any replies previously because the 
> solution is really obvious to everyone else... but it's certainly not
>  obvious to me, and I am being badgered to hand over this template! 
> I've Googled and searched the Wiki and am no closer to understanding
>  what the problem is. Can anyone help me?
> Page: <http://www.beale-family.net/beta/monitoring-simple.htm>

It isn't obvious at all what's going on in there :-)
Had to make several attempts before cracking it.

It is a margin-collapse of sort. It can be seen clearly if borders are
put on those elements, but as you have already found out; that doesn't
solve it, and I didn't find any element to put the fix on either.

Finally I added a clearing-element, and everything fell into place...

<br style="clear: both;" />
<div class="left_menu">

Then I added 'padding-top: 1px;' to #centrecontent, and it worked as
expected because of the clearing-element. You can now adjust
'margin-top' on #centrecontent, and get the same result in all browsers.

I'm still not sure if this is the best solution, but at least it's a
stable one.

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