> > http://moofx.mad4milk.net/
> Breaks horribly in/on IE/Mac.  :(

Here it shows an unstyled page with the browser stylesheet and
headings linked to targets. Granted the links in the headings are
useless, but how does that make that a broken page?

All the content is available and nothing overlaps the other. There is
no markup that promises functionality that isn't there (except for the
links on the headings, but that can be easily remedied). This defines
a working web site in my book.

I'd rather have sites like moo.fx degrade to something like this on
browsers that haven't been updated since 2003 and that will cease to
get any commercial support on 31.12.05 than sites budging to this
outdated technology and slowing down the rest of the development.

I use a Mac and so far I hadn't even installed MSIE as Camino and
Safari are doing all I need for me - Safari even came with the OS.

Chris Heilmann
Blog: http://www.wait-till-i.com
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Binaries: http://www.onlinetools.org/
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